
You’ve come to the right place if I you’re seeking to transform self-defeating and energy-draining patterns that keep you from thriving at work, in your health, or in your relationships.

If you’re ready for the journey of getting to know, befriend, and update outdated survival patterns that are mostly outside your consciousness, then partnering with me on this path will facilitate the emergence of your true authentic Self. Leading from Self so that YOU are the one who lives your life instead of perfectionist, people pleasing, procrastinating, hyper-vigilant, controlling or harshly judgmental protective parts.

Self-leadership results in thriving instead of just surviving – regaining the joy and balance in your life that allows you to be the partner, parent, colleague, friend, leader that you were meant to be.

Get in touch if you’re looking to:

  • Increase your mental fitness and resilience;

  • Restore or maximise your health and wellbeing;

  • Resolve self-defeating patterns and behaviours;

  • Overcome chronic pain or other chronic health conditions;

  • Set and enforce healthy boundaries

Sophia Mose Certified IFS Practitioner and Executive Coach

Sophia Mose JD LLM

As an ex-corporate lawyer, Certified Internal Family Systems (IFS) Practitioner, Adapt-Certified Functional Health Coach, and certified Positive Intelligence® coach, I have the perspective, compassion, and skills to support you on your journey to mental and physical resilience and thriving.

Together we co-create the coaching or IFS plan that best suits your needs. Don’t wait until burnout, let’s start working together today!

Sessions are 75 minutes, via Zoom (in English or Dutch).

Between stimulus and response, there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.
— Viktor E. Frankl

What Clients Say

When I believe in something I go all-in on my vision and I execute at 100%. But the faster I have been turning my dream into reality, the faster challenging feelings and old habits would try to slow me down. I knew that to be my most empowered and liberated self I needed to get professional help – and I found Sophia.

What immediately struck me about her was her incredible clarity, loving presence, and sophisticated communication.

The sessions with Sophia were deeply transformational. With pinpoint precision we found parts of myself that needed attention, presence, and resolution. Long felt tensions have melted away and a deeper sense of calm has opened up for me.

Thank you for everything, Sophia. You are a superstar. Fan for life!

M.D. | Biohacker, Germany

Sophia, thank you for the guidance and clarity that you have brought me during this crazy Covid period. You are a kind and talented person who empowered me to recognise my own limiting beliefs that were holding me back; you helped me identify them, understand them and reframe them. Since our first session I gained confidence and learned the power of coaching.

K.P. | Real Estate Agent, France

Thanks so much for your deep listening, thoughtful feedback and encouragement during our coaching sessions. Your questions helped me to quickly see the big picture of where I wanted to be and what was holding me back. I felt fully heard and was able to make immediate progress with improving my eating and sleep habits, increasing my physical activity and generally enjoying life. I’ll definitely recommend you to friends and family!

R.S. | Photographer, France
I enjoyed immensely the process of having someone able to hear what I was saying at one layer removed from the conscious mind. I was able to immediately move forward with one of my projects and I stopped giving myself a hard time, creating false expectations, on the other. It’s a relief to have unravelled the mystery behind what was preventing me from moving forward and knowing that one-to-one coaching can be so rewarding and successful.
I would highly recommend Sophia for helping overcome obstacles or blockages.
C.M. | Writer, France

Sophia has a natural way of holding the space to allow me to figure out what I need the most and her guidance allows me to focus in on the finer points. She has also been so helpful in my nutrition. From being a vegan and having zero energy, Sophia has assisted me in investigating the various nutritional information available and then gave me the space to realise that I needed to add eggs and fish to my diet. I now feel so much more energised.

Thank you Sophia – highly recommend!

H.W. | Therapist, France
It’s rare that you come across a coach who checks off so many boxes. You sense that Sophia reads you and gets you. She’s always fluid in her approach to sessions and adapts to the client’s needs. You feel heard in the ways she relates to you and you trust you’re in good hands with her.
Sophia was recommended by my Functional Medicine practitioner. Understanding things like the ‘why’s’ behind the treatment protocol helped me feel much more comfortable and confident in my healing journey.
J.W. | Consultant, Netherlands

Functional Medicine Practitioners

I’m happy to coordinate with your Functional Medicine (FM) practitioner or other medical professional. If you’d like referrals to FM or other practitioners for lab tests, DNA tests, diagnoses, and treatment protocols, I share my contacts with you.